We Go All In

Throughout Scripture, we are taught to live a life of obedience—to follow up our faith with actions—so that we grow closer in our relationship with God and live a life that points others to Him. Water baptism is the first step for those who choose to follow Christ and is a public profession of your faith and your commitment to Him.If you are ready to take that step and go ALL IN in your relationship with God, sign up to get baptized!
All In
Going all in with God means trusting Him completely with our money. It is our joy to grow in generosity as we grow in our relationship with Him. God has blessed our church in so many ways and it is our privilege to bless others. Check out all of the ways that we have been able to bless our community, our nation, and even the world because YOU went All In in 2023 and 2024.

We believe that investing in the next generation starts in your home with your family. When you dedicate your child you make a public commitment to raise your child in the ways of the Lord and we commit to pray for you and walk with you in your parenting journey.